Hello World!
Welcome to my new blog. Where I plan to chronicle my thoughts, and my attempts to make and share cool things - hopefully involving data, programming and other non-tech but (Fear Not!) equally nerdy things.
My background
I work in “tech”. At a really cool place in Yangon that I’m proud to have been involved with since day 1. But at my job, I don’t get to DO any tech. I only get to facilitate others who are doing tech.
I can code. Sorta. I’ve learned the basics of programming – in BASIC, in fact - since I was in junior high school. I took a few Comp Sci classes in college (5, if I remember correctly). Wrote a couple of fun projects for those classes – a 3D maze game in OpenGL was the one I’m most proud of. Both my undergrad theses and my master’s thesis were computer simulations. I’ve spent three summers as a research assistant writing Matlab code for Econ profs. In my previous job teaching at a high school, I took on a completely unnecessary side project to build an app to manage the school’s timetables – it actually sorta works. I also have a half finished iOS game sitting on my hard drive.
But ask me to actually build a product that can be shipped – I haven’t got a clue how to do it. Using basic git commands? No clue, I need a GUI. Testing? Never done before. I just found out what bash means this morning. Design patterns? Only vaguely heard of them. The only code I’ve written is spaghetti code that I don’t understand after I look at it again in a month. And every line of code I write, I have to rely on stackoverflow and random googling. In other words: I suck.
Now, let’s change that. One project at a time.